The scenario unfolds with an intense rhythm of majestic concrete parallelepipeds, with few openings, as if they were the inevitable consequence of a post-apocalyptic architectural evolution. The surviving population hides in the shadow of mysterious monoliths and the scene is shrouded in absolute silence. As the wind subsides, man resumes his work, erecting surreal infrastructures that defy the laws of nature and, above all, imagination.
Evolution is the third project resulting from the collaboration between Simone Bonanni and Londonart. It continues the trend inspired by futuristic and post-apocalyptic architectures of a distant world, where artificial constructions invade natural space, creating mysterious and rarefied atmospheres. Evolution is a printed decoration for interior coverings that offers an alternative to the logic of the usual repeated vertical crop. It follows the idea of a versatile covering that can work both in environments with limited walls and in large compositions, leaving the final user the choice of the ideal cut identified in a pattern originally designed in large dimensions.